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The Future We Choose - Conversations Worth Having

As we approach COP27, join us for our Conversations Worth Having virtual gathering as we explore ‘The Future We Choose’, supported by Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022.

Together our experts and our global digital audience, will look at the climate opportunities that are required, in order to shape the future of our society.

Make or Break was our first 'climate action' year. We engaged the broader community with climate opportunities that will shape our society's future. 

For 2022, we continue this climate justice mission by opening up the conversation on choice.  

Our aim is still to encourage reductions in carbon-intensive practices and work towards climate solutions. But, we are moving on from recognition to actions, addressing further Sustainable Development Goals to expand our thinking.

We need inclusive, equitable climate solutions that adapt to the needs of the most vulnerable and save lives, homes and futures.

We must shift from incremental steps to transformational change, achieving positive impacts in every area of energy, food, industrial, urban, and societal system

Let’s together plan to build The Future We Choose.


To underpin The Future We Choose, we’ll be focusing in on the following themes to explore different industries, processes, regulations and more, to open up conversation.


Highlighting sustainable future-focused opportunities in organisations by exploring employees, consumers, supply-chains, partners, finances, and purpose.



Peering into clean energy solutions that can positively alter the impact of our carbon footprints at home, in work, and as we travel.



Exploring sustainable food choices and growing areas of opportunity for a healthier lifestyle with a reduced carbon footprint.



Assessing our lifestyles for practical changes to make in our consumption, how we live on land and in water, and by speaking up.



Raising awareness and consumer knowledge regarding how our investments, pensions and other financial aspects of life can build a cleaner future for everyone.



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